Don't pay there bills. Tell vendors that work for them check is in the email. Don't work for them.
Jody Highroller
April 21, 2020
Very unresponsive if you need something from them- they won't help at all, but if they want your money, it's a different story. They just broker services between you and independent contractors.
Trent Noble
December 27, 2017
Amazing company ran by some of the best people on the planet!
Don't pay there bills. Tell vendors that work for them check is in the email. Don't work for them.
Very unresponsive if you need something from them- they won't help at all, but if they want your money, it's a different story. They just broker services between you and independent contractors.
Amazing company ran by some of the best people on the planet!
Terrible time dealing with them as a technician