My toddlers flush something down the toilet and didn't inform me about there experiments until it was too late. I did a web search of plumbers in my area and started making phone calls. Everyone else wanted a hundred and fifty plus dollars for a weekend call! When. Being a single mother that's a real hard amount to put out. When I called Millennium Plumbing they were very respectful able to answer my questions very quickly. They were very reasonably priced. The gentleman came out to my home in a timely manner and was able to fix my problem very quickly. I was ecstatic at how fast and reasonably priced they were. I would definitely recommend them to everybody and that's saying a lot considering I do a lot of shopping around before I make a decision on who to hire.
My toddlers flush something down the toilet and didn't inform me about there experiments until it was too late. I did a web search of plumbers in my area and started making phone calls. Everyone else wanted a hundred and fifty plus dollars for a weekend call! When. Being a single mother that's a real hard amount to put out. When I called Millennium Plumbing they were very respectful able to answer my questions very quickly. They were very reasonably priced. The gentleman came out to my home in a timely manner and was able to fix my problem very quickly. I was ecstatic at how fast and reasonably priced they were. I would definitely recommend them to everybody and that's saying a lot considering I do a lot of shopping around before I make a decision on who to hire.